Decentralized application

Derivative Wrapped

DeWrap - is a modern decentralized trading tool with real-time custom deflation based on xDerivative protocol
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DeWrap is an application that allows you to create derivative tokens using the xDerivative protocol implementing the compatible ERC20 token standard

xDerivative protocol implements a deflationary model to regulate the balance of supply and demand, preventing speculation. The deflationary model is based on a value redistribution algorithm that causes the token to rise in price faster than collateral.

// xDerivative Protocol
Custom fee
xDerivative protocol allows you to create tokens with a configurable fees.
Safe with us
The token is created using an EVM smart contract, decentralized and secure.
Flexible settings
Set and manage a variety of settings for your contract in a wide range.
// Easy creating

Users can create their own tokens that are backed by the root derivative token or another user's derivative tokens.

This allows for more flexibility and customization in the creation and management of derivative tokens. Users can set their own rules and parameters for the new derivative token, such as withdrawal rules or fees.

// ERC20 compatible

Tokens created on the basis of xDerivative protocol implement the ERC20 standard.

Support for the widely used ERC20 standard makes the created tokens fully compatible with all cryptocurrency wallets and DeFi applications.

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